What makes a 3D photograph?
The thing that makes a 3D photograph is when the photograph has depth, width or height it doesn't necessarily have to be physically 3D just has to have the effect of a 3D piece, that is why you are able to do digital 3D work.
Here are two examples of ways you could do 3D digital photography that i found online, i have been inspired by these two photographs because i feel they are really eye-catching, and different.

How will you analyse your work?
The way i am analysing my work is by using the sheet we have been given that shows how to analyse a photograph, i explain how the work was made for example saying what resources i used and explain the colours and little details i added into my work. I also explain what my work looks like and say whether or not that there was something that inspired me to make it or do it the way i did. Thirdly i will explain how the work makes me feel, and what feelings i get from it such as emotions and how i think it would make others feel. Finally i explain what the imagine is about and why i took it.
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