Materials- The materials we used while in the dark room where, photographic paper, baths containing solutions, water, paintbrushes, tongs.
Processes- First we got our photographic paper and used the enlarger, once we had done the exposing we put the photographic paper into the developer and then in each different solution. After that we left the paper in water for 5 minutes to clean of all the chemicals, once that was done we dried the paper.
Technical skills- The skills I used was changing the exposure time to make a difference to the photo and the quality of it. Most of the time we used 10 seconds. I was exposing the 5 pound note, the first time it didn't work because the note was not pressed against the photographic paper, the second time I placed some glass on the top of the 5 pound note this made it press harder against the paper meaning when the paper went into the developer the picture came out better and clearer. Another skill I used was splashing the developer on with a paintbrush, this gave the photogram a different effect also made it more eye catching, you could also spray the developer on with a bottle.
The chemicals used in the dark room is the developer for 2 minutes, stop for 10 seconds and then the fix for another minute.
We done pinhole photography using a shoe box with a small hole in it, we found places outside to take the pinholes, our first attempt we choose a slightly dark spot, we left the pinhole open for around 10 seconds and did not get a very good result, our second attempt was in a lighter spot and we left the exposure for around 25 seconds. The image came out much more detailed, and you could tell what the image was. We placed something on top of the box this was so the picture came out well and was detailed and clear.
What are the solutions used?