
Description: Mac_HD:Users:s0711678:Desktop:20171128_135016.jpg
You are going to look at another person's work
1.Firstly use 5 words to describe that work

vibrant, bright, colourful,


2. Now comment on the images form

This means looking at the formal elements of an artwork.
·       What is the medium of the work?

·       What kind of shapes or forms can you find?
In this image there are swirls and lines of light

·       Which  techniques have they used?
They used two layers, over exposure, light trails
·       What kinds of textures can you see?
The textures in this picture look soft

3. Finally consider the mood and meaning of the work

Mood means looking at how the artist has created a certain atmosphere or feeling.
·       How does the work make you feel?
The colours in this image are bright and stand out this will make u feel good, and
The picture makes me feel focused and interested. Also gives positive vibes and has a happy feel.

·       Why do you think you feel like this?
The image is eye catching and has a lot going on in it. It has a lot  of energy and a vibrant feel

·       Does the colour, texture, form or theme of the work affect your mood?
Yes it makes my mood better and more positive.

1.Firstly use 5 words to describe that work

2. Now comment on the images form
This means looking at the formal elements of an artwork.
  • What is the medium of the work?

  • What kind of shapes or forms can you find?

  • Which  techniques have they used?

  • What kinds of textures can you see?

3. Finally consider the mood and meaning of the work
Mood means looking at how the artist has created a certain atmosphere or feeling.
  • How does the work make you feel?

  • Why do you think you feel like this?
