Edweard Muybridge

Edward James Muggeridge was born on the 9th April 1830 at Kingston Upon Thames, and died on the 8th May 1904 at the age of 74. Muybridge was known for his photography such as motion picture projection. At the age of 20 Muybridge emigrated to America as a bookseller, he first went to New York and then to San Francisco, and his plan was to move back to the UK in 1860. When he was in England he spent some time where he took up professional Photography, learning the wet-plate collodion process. The photographs that made him famous where photographs of Yosemite Valley, these photographs made him world famous.

Muybridge was also famous for his motion pictures, he displayed his photographs on screen where you could see the moving pictures projected by his zoopraxiscope.

Here is a few of Muybridge motion images.
