In our first media lesson we where recording a poem "The cat in the hat" we went into small groups and used one of the booths in the classroom to record. This was to block out the sound of others around us so nothing interfered with our sound. Once we had recorded one of us saying the poem we transferred the sound onto the computer and used a software called adobe audition to edit what we had recorded and change it. We added music in the background by using a youtube converter this allowed us to get the song wanted of youtube onto adobe audition and also allowed it to play the same time as the recording. Secondly we changed the pitch of our recording making our voices higher we experimented with a few different voices and tones.

In our second media lesson we focused on filming ourselves by creating an advert, the advert we created was promoting BIC pen. We all got into small groups and came up with different ideas on how we would like the advert and how we would like it to be set up. once all the groups got back together we all choose which one we liked the best and that was the one we filmed and made into an advert. We all got assigned different roles in creating the advert. i was assigned an acting role but there was many different jobs such as cameras, lighting, sound, music, and the script also director. I had a good experience doing this because i learnt a lot about team work and communication with others. We used a lot of lighting including spot lights and coloured lighting, the way we made each different coloured light was using big plastic sheets of different colours and cover the white light with them. The four colours we used was green, red and blue, they all switched on at different times and this was controlled by a panel on the wall. For the sound we had someone holding a mic over our heads, this mic is able to pic up any sound this was good because we picked up the noise of bags rustling as there was no speaking in our advert. One thing that could have been improved was communication as the project took longer than expected and we ran over time.
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